The Newark Earthworks Center respects, recognizes, preserves, celebrates and promotes Indigenous peoples and their achievements, past, present and future, in and about Ohio. We are deeply committed to our fellow Buckeyes and wish to build resources and research opportunities for our students.
Your support sustains us and enables us to reach further with our mission.
Thank you.
Our donors have a tremendous impact on the quality of our programs, teaching and facilities. The campus has a history of community and alumni support, which has been a great factor in its growth and development. Our students are our greatest assets and your gifts enable the campus to improve the quality of our students’ experience. Thank you.
Other ways to give
Please make the check out to Fund 312400 and mail it to Kim Mano, Director of Development
1179 University Drive | John Gilbert Reese Center, 105 | Newark, OH 43055
Cash and credit card charges are often the most convenient form of giving. Cash gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, provided deductions are itemized.
Securities may be made as outright gifts or as a payment on a pledge. Stock certificates may be reassigned directly to The Ohio State University at Newark. These may also be transferred through the donor's broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. Gifts of appreciated securities may be tax deductible, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. The deduction is based on the full fair market value, and capital gains tax is not due when the stock is transferred.
To encourage employees to make charitable gifts, thousands of businesses and corporations nationwide will match the gifts of their employees with an equal or greater contribution. Please include your employer's name if you know they are one of these companies.
Pledges enable a donor to plan a personal giving program that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge may enable a donor to consider a more significant gift than would have been otherwise possible.
It may be preferable from an estate, financial and tax-planning perspective to consider long-term planned giving as the best way to make a gift. This can be accomplished through various gift instruments, such as charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities charitable lead trusts and bequests. Advancement staff members will be available to assist you and your financial advisors to design a trust or bequest that will allow you to combine your need to protect your assets with your decision to make a gift to the campus.
Gifts of $50,000 or more establish permanently endowed funds that may be named to honor persons in perpetuity.
Other Giving Opportunities can include Personal Property, Life Insurance and Real Estate. Rules about these types of gifts may vary. The campus reserves the right to accept or refuse all gift-in-kind donations.
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Celebration of Newark Earthworks Center's research and efforts.
Support us by buying a beautiful book
The Fertile Earth and the Ordered Cosmos: Reflections on the Newark Earthworks and World Heritage
The lush photos and wide-ranging essays of this book honors the largest geometric earthen complex ever known, not only to the global community but to local individuals and scholars who have developed intimate connections to the Earthworks.
All proceeds from the sale of this book go to support the Ohio History Connection and the Newark Earthworks Center in their efforts to manage and interpret the site for the world.