Introduction to Native American History
History 2070
3 credit hours.
History of Native Americans from pre-contact times to the present.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 368.01.
GEC: Historical study credit.
Colonialism at the Movies: American History in Film
History 2065
3 credit hours.
Explores historical treatment of Native/European contact, colonization and key events and issues in American history in film. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisite or concurrent: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor.
GE historical study and diversity social diversity in the US course.
Introduction to Native American History
History 2070
3 credit hours.
History of Native Americans from pre-contact times to the present.
Prerequisite or concurrent: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 368.01.
GE historical study and diversity social diversity in the US course.
American Indian History of the U.S. Midwest
History 2071
3 credit hours.
Native American history in Great lakes and Ohio Valley regions from ancient times to the present, including moundbuilders, fur trade, removal, reservations, urbanization and contemporary issues. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx or permission of instructor.
GEC: Historical Study and Diversity-Social Diversity in the United States credit.
Introduction to U.S. Latino/a History
History 2075
3 credit hours.
Survey of Latinos/Latinas and their history in the United States from Spanish colonial period to present.
Prerequisite or concurrent: English 1110.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 324.
GE historical study and diversity social diversity in the US course.
Introduction to Native American Peoples from Mesoamerica
History 2110
3 credit hours.
Introductory survey of the Native American peoples from Mesoamerica (contemporary Guatemala, Honduras and Southern Mexico) from pre-colonial times to the present. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx, or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 322.
GEC: Historical Study and Diversity Global Studies course.
Introduction to Native American Peoples of the Andes
History 2111
3 credit hours.
Introductory survey of the Native American peoples of the Andes from the Pre-Columbian period to the present.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 368.02.
GEC: Historical Study course.
Women and Gender in Latin America
History 2115
3 credit hours.
Women, gender relations, reproductive rights and women's response to the impact of religion and the state in Latin America from the Conquest to the present.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 533.06.
GEC: Historical Study course.
Revolutions and Social Movements in Modern Latin America
History 2120
3 credit hours.
Latin American history from independence (1825) to the present focusing on revolutions, dictatorships, labor, political and social movements, women, and indigenous populations. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx, or permission of instructor.
GEC: Historical Study course and Diversity Global Studies course.
The History of Latin America Through Film
History 2125
3 credit hours.
Latin American history from pre-colonial era to the present as depicted in film, including the analysis of colonialism, revolutions, society, women, and current events. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx, or permission of instructor.
GEC: Historical Study course and Diversity Global Studies course.
Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History
History 2750
3 credit hours.
General survey of (im)migration history in the U.S. from precolonial times to the present. Topics include cultural contact, economic relations, citizenship, politics, family, and sexuality.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 322.
GEC: Historical Study and Social Diversity in the United States credit.
Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History
History 2750E
3 credit hours.
General survey of (im)migration history in the U.S. from precolonial times to the present. Topics include cultural contact, economic relations, citizenship, politics, family and sexuality.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 322, 322H, or WGSSt 2750H (332H).
GEC: Historical study and Social Diversity in the United States credit.
Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History
History 2750H
3 credit hours.
General survey of (im)migration history in the U.S. from precolonial times to the present. Topics include cultural contact, economic relations, citizenship, politics, family and sexuality.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: English 1100.xx.
Not open to students with credit for 322, 322H, or WGSSt 3322H. Cross listed in WGSSt 3322H.
GEC: Historical study and Social Diversity in the United States credit.
Social Reform Movements in U.S. History
History 2752
3 credit hours.
Explores organized movements for social change from 1830 to 1970s, including antislavery, women's rights, temperance, utopias, Populists, Progressives, African-American, American Indian and Chicano rights. Sometimes this course offered at distance.
Prerequisite or concurrent: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor.
GE historical study and diversity soc div in the US course.
Colonial North America to 1763
History 3010
3 credit hours.
The history of colonial and native societies in North America from first contacts to the eve of the imperial crisis.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1100.xx; or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 556.
GEC: Historical Study course.
History of Ohio
History 3030
3 credit hours.
Survey of economic, social, political development of the geographical area that became Ohio from Native Americans to present.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 310.
GEC: Historical Study credit.
Native American History from European Contact to Removal, 1560-1820.
History 3070
3 credit hours.
Major issues and events in Native American history from before the European invasion and colonization through the early 1820's.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 568.01.
GEC: Historical Study Credit.
Native American History from Removal to the Present
History 3071
3 credit hours.
Covers major events in American Indian history from 1820's to present, including removal, reservations, cultural adaptation, federal policies, self-determination, activism and contemporary issues.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 568.02.
GEC: Historical Study credit.
The Newark Earthworks, an Interdisciplinary Course
Comparative Studies 3072
3 credit hours.
This course is designed to give students an opportunity to learn about the indigenous peoples of ancient Ohio, an amazing complex of earthen mounds they created, and the many ways we can know about and further study them.
Prerequisites: Not open to students with credit for Anthropology 3072 or History 3072.
GE theme Lived Environments course.
Cross-listed in Anthropology and Comparative Studies.
Mexican American Chicano/a History
History 3075
3 credit hours.
History of people of Mexican descent and their presence in the United States from Spanish colonial times to contemporary period.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx and any History 2000-level course, or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 577.01 or 577.02.
GE historical study and diversity social diversity in the US course.
Colonial Latin America
History 3100
3 credit hours.
Maya, Aztec and Incan Empires; the Spanish and Portuguese conquests and the transplanting of Iberian institutions; the Baroque period; the Bourbon Century and the Enlightenment.
Prerequisites or Concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1100.xx; or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 533.01.
GEC: Historical Study course.
History of Mexico
History 3106
3 credit hours.
History of Mexico during precolonial, colonial and independence periods with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 534.03.
GEC historical study and diversity global studies course.
Historical Internship
History 3191
1-4 credit hours.
Internships will provide students with the opportunity to work on historical projects under the supervision of a practicing professional and a professor.
Prerequisite or concurrent: English 1110.xx, and a CPHR of 3.0 or above, and enrollment in the History major or minor; or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credit hours or 3 completions.
Individual Studies
History 3193.01
1-6 credit hours.
Individual study in some field of historical development; designed to allow the student to work on a problem of particular interest.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx and any History 2000-level course, and permission of instructor.
Individual Studies
History 3193.02
1-6 credit hours.
Individual study in some field of historical development; designed to allow the student to work on a problem of particular interest.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx and any History 2000-level course, and permission of instructor. This course is graded S/U.
Upper-Level Undergraduate Group Studies
History 3194
3 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Any 2000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours.
Wars of Empire
History 3590
3 credit hours.
This course investigates the means, methods, challenges, and results of military encounters between modern imperial powers and indigenous forces they met on the battlefield.
Prerequisites or concurrent: English 1110.xx or equivalent, and coursework in History at the 2000 level, or permission of instructor.
Not open to students with credit for 381.
GEC: Historical Study course.
Digital History
History 3702
3 credit hours.
This course is a survey of the ways digital technology is impacting history: from the collection and preservation of primary sources, to the analysis of those documents with the aid of algorithms, to the representation of the past through digital means. Students will read and reflect upon important works in digital history, as well as engage in the process of creating digital history.
Prerequisite: English 1110.xx, or permission of instructor.
GE historical studies course.
Seminar in Early American History
History 4005
3 credit hours.
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Early American History.
Prerequisites or concurrent: English 1110.xx, a grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Early American History
History 4005E
3 credit hours.
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Early American History.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Honors standing, English 1110.xx, a grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Early American History
History 4005H
3 credit hours.
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Early American History.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Honors standing, English 1110.xx, a grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Latin American History
History 4125
3 credit hours.
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Latin American History.
Prerequisites or concurrent: English 1110.xx, a grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
Embedded Honors Seminar in Latin American History
History 4125E
3 credit hours.
Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Latin American History.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Honors standing, English 1110.xx, a grade of C or above in History 2800, and any 3000-level History course; or permission of instructor.
Individual Studies
History 4193.01
1-6 credit hours.
Individual study in some field of historical development; designed to allow the student to work on a problem of particular interest.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx and any History 3000-level course, and permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 20 credit hours or 20 completions.
Individual Studies
History 4193.02
1-6 credit hours.
Individual study in some field of historical development; designed to allow the student to work on a problem of particular interest.
Prerequisites: English 1110.xx and any History 3000-level course, and permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 20 credit hours or 20 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Advanced Undergraduate Group Studies
History 4194
1-6 credit hours.
Advanced Undergraduate Group Studies. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prerequisites or concurrent: English 1110 or equivalent, and course work in History at the 3000 level, or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 4 completions.
The Ohio State University: Its History and its World
History 4870
3 credit hours.
An introduction to the past and present of The Ohio State University, its importance, its disciplines, the interrelations of the academic and other components of the institution and the contributions over the years of OSU to the wider world. Cross-listed in Arts and Science.
Prerequisite: Not open to students with credit for Arts Science 4870.
GE cultures and ideas course.
Undergraduate Research in History
History 4996
1-6 credit hours.
Undergraduate research in history.
Prerequisite or concurrent: Any 3000-level History course, and English 1110.xx, and permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 20 credit hours or 20 completions.
This course is graded S/U.
Honors Undergraduate Research in History
History 4996E
1-6 credit hours.
Honors undergraduate research in History.
Prerequisite or concurrent: Honors standing, and any 3000-level History course, and English 1110.xx, and permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 4 completions.
This course is graded S/U.
Honors Undergraduate Research in History
History 4996H
1-6 credit hours.
Honors undergraduate research in History.
Prerequisite or concurrent: Honors standing, and any 3000-level History course, and English 1110.xx, and permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 4 completions.
This course is graded S/U.
Undergraduate Research Thesis
History 4999
1-6 credit hours.
Informal conferences to allow full scope to the initiative of the student; a special topic is assigned and results are tested by papers and special examinations.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Any 3000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 20 credit hours or 20 completions. This course is graded.
Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis
History 4999H
1-6 credit hours.
Informal conferences to allow full scope to the initiative of the student; a special topic is assigned and results are tested by papers and special examinations.
Prerequisites or concurrent: Honors standing, and any 3000-level History course, and English 1110.xx; or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Independent Study in History
History 6193.01 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate-level individual studies.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Not open to students with credit for 791.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Independent Study in History
History 6193.02(Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate-level individual studies.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Not open to students with credit for 791.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Graduate Group Studies
History 6194 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 4 completions.
Masters Thesis Research
History 6999 (Graduate)
1-12 credit hours.
Research for Master's thesis.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credit hours or 3 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Studies in Early American History to 1877
History 7000 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Graduate readings in selected topics in Early American history to 1877.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Graduate Readings in Colonial America
History 7001 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Readings in the historical literatures of Colonial America in its Atlantic World context to 1763.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Graduate Readings in the American Revolution and Early Republic
History 7002 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Readings in the historical literatures of the American Revolution and early nation-building through approximately 1800.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Graduate Readings in the Early Republic and Antebellum America
History 7003 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Reading in the historical literatures of the Early and Antebellum Republics from approximately 1800 through the 1850.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Studies in Latin American History
History 7100 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
An intensive study of problems in selected periods of Latin American history.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Independent Study in History
History 7193.01 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate-level individual studies.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Independent Study in History
History 7193.02 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate-level individual studies.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Graduate Readings in Power, Culture and State
History 7725 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Graduate readings in comparative topics in power, culture and the state.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Comparative Historiographies and Theories in Race, Ethnicity and Nation
History 7750 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Graduate reading course that examines the historical scholarship and theories in race, ethnicity and nation in comparative geographical and chronological contexts.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Introduction to Public History
History 7800 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Survey of the field of Public History.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Independent Study in Public History
History 7801 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Permits individual students, or small groups of students to pursue independent work in public history with a faculty sponsor
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Prospectus Writing and Professional Development
History 7910 (Graduate)
3 credit hours.
Seminar dedicated to researching and writing Dissertation Prospectus. Also review of professional development skills: grant writing, building a resume and planning a career, how to write and present a conference paper, book reviews.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Not open to students with credit for 795.02.
This course is graded S/U.
Seminar in Early American History to 1877
History 8000 (Graduate)
3 credit hours.
Graduate Research Seminar in Early American History to 1877. Topics will vary.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours.
Seminar in Modern U.S. History
History 8010 (Graduate)
3 credit hours.
Graduate Research Seminar in Modern U.S. History. Topics will vary.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours.
Seminar in Latin American History
History 8100 (Graduate)
3 credit hours.
Graduate Research Seminar in Latin American History. Topics will vary
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours.
Independent Study in History
History 8230 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate doctoral level individual studies.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Seminar in History
History 8801 (Graduate)
1-6 credit hours.
Graduate Research Seminar in History.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.
Dissertation Research
History 8999 (Graduate)
1-12 credit hours.
Research for dissertation.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Repeatable. This course is graded S/U.
Repeatable to a maximum of 15 credit hours or 5 completions.