Past Exhibit
Robin Wall Kimmerer will discuss her experiences as an Indigenous scientist and writer and explore how we can deepen our understanding of the natural world through Indigenous ways of knowing. She will share stories and insights that challenge us to rethink our relationship with the Earth and all its inhabitants, and inspire us to cultivate a more respectful, reciprocal, and sustainable relationship with the world around us.
March 27, 2023
Past Exhibit
This property has been selected from the U.S. World Heritage Tentative List, which comprises properties that appear to qualify for World Heritage status and which may be considered for nomination by the United States to the World Heritage List, as required by the World Heritage Committee's Operational Guidelines.
March 22, 2023
Past Exhibit
During Faculty Talks Outside the Box, Ohio State Newark professors discuss recent research in their fields as it relates to our community and answer questions.
March 1, 2023
Past Exhibit
This talk takes up the work of Indigenous intellectuals to reconfigure narratives of national origins in connection with the symbolism surrounding the Massasoit monument installed on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth in 1921 to mark the 300th anniversary of the landing of the English.
February 23, 2023
The visionary people of the Hopewell culture’s presence remain with us today, and we are still discovering the depth of their engineering expertise, artistic brilliance, and influential spiritual worldview. Join us in recognizing and appreciating the People who designed and developed the ceremonial sites we now call the Newark Earthworks.
January 23, 2023
We are pleased to announce the Ohio History Connection can proceed with its efforts to acquire the Octagon Earthworks lease from Moundbuilders Country Club in Newark and provide full public access to the site.
December 7, 2022
Past Exhibit
Native communities have reacquired territory through a variety of means in recent years, which has often been met with resentful opposition at the local level. The Land Back movement is nonetheless gaining steam, accruing victories and making a better world. This present-day movement has roots that reach deep into the past, and has high stakes for the future.
November 17, 2022
Enjoy a presentation about how Frank Buffalo Hyde's work challenges Native American stereotypes through tapping into the collective unconsciousness of the 21st Century. Drawing images from advertisement, movies, television, music and politics, Buffalo Hyde's expresses observation, as well as knowledge through experience, developing overlapping imagery to mimic the way the mind holds information in a non-linear way.
November 16, 2022
Past Exhibit
In my scholarship, I have adopted the Anishinaabe creation story about the lowly, but heroic, Muskrat as my metaphor to describe modern tribal nations. The Supreme Court is poised to either accept and enable the new paradigm of tribal self-determination or eradicate it in favor of keeping tribal nations weak and passive. It is a paradigmatic battle of the Muskrat versus the Canary.
November 10, 2022