Mounds, Moon, and Stars
Mounds, Moon, and Stars: The Legacy of Ohio’s Magnificent Earthworks Exhibition
On Display August-December 2024
Free and Open to the Public
2125 Exhibit Hall, Louella Hodges Reese Hall
The presence of the visionary Peoples of the Hopewell culture remains with us today, and we are still discovering the depth of their engineering expertise, artistic brilliance, and influential spiritual worldview.
The exhibition Mounds, Moon and Stars: The Legacy of Ohio’s Magnificent Earthworks focuses on the Newark Earthworks as representative of the flourishing Hopewell era culture and draws the curtain back on the sophisticated lives of the local people while at the same time looking at the scientific and artistic complexities of the sites.
The exhibition highlights indigenous contributions to Ohio’s cultural landscape and most importantly it serves to amplify the voices and perspectives of vastly underrepresented but vital communities. Indigenous history is often thought of as a thing of the past. The exhibition, however, aims to foster an environment from which audiences can learn experientially using a self-guided approach about Native American culture both past and living while more fully appreciating the Ceremonial Earthworks themselves.
This exhibition was developed by The Great Circle Alliance in collaboration with the Newark Earthworks Center and funded in part by Ohio Humanities. This program is made possible, in part, by Ohio Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this (publication/program/exhibition/website) do not necessarily represent those of Ohio Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.