The Ohio State University classes highlighted below represent classes which exemplify or contain potential for research within the mission of the Newark Earthworks Center.
This includes classes taught by our Faculty Oversight Committee members and our Director.
November 2, 2023
The Ohio State University classes highlighted below represent classes which exemplify or contain potential for research within the mission of the Newark Earthworks Center.
This includes classes taught by our Faculty Oversight Committee members and our Director.
November 1, 2023
Rising in quiet grandeur from the earth in an astoundingly engineered arrangement that ancient peoples mapped to the movements of the moon, Ohio’s Newark Earthworks form the largest geometric earthen complex ever known. In the two thousand years of their existence, they have served as gathering place, ceremonial site, fairground, army encampment, golf course, and park. And, at long last, they are poised (along with neighboring sites) to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site—a designation that recognizes their international importance as a direct link to the ancient past as well as their continuing cultural and archaeological significance.
October 16, 2023
During the Newark Earthworks Open House, visitors are invited to explore and experience fully all three segments of these ancient, expansive earthworks built masterfully by American Indians.
October 15, 2023
This online exhibit traces Indigenous Americans’ material and cultural contributions to Ohio from their early creation of large earthworks to modern representations and reflections on the past. Learn about First Nations’ roles in shaping place names and get interpretive glimpses in to early Ohio’s history of Native American-white contact, which included collaboration, conflict, and removal.
October 13, 2023
The Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks are Ohio's first UNESCO World Heritage inscription and the twenty-fifth for the United States of America.
August 10, 2023
Current Exhibit
A stunning exhibit telling the history of the Treaty of Greene Ville. Greene Ville was the largest stockaded fort ever built in North America and it was the scene of the most significant American Indian treaty ever negotiated.
June 15, 2023
The site will be open daylight to dusk, with staff on site to answer questions from Noon–4 p.m. There is no registration or reservations needed for tours. During the Newark Earthworks Open House, visitors are invited to explore and experience fully all three segments of these ancient, expansive earthworks built masterfully by American Indians.
April 16, 2023
Past Exhibit
The 2023 Annual Barbara A. Hanawalt Public Lecture will feature Caroline Dodds Pennock, Senior Lecturer in International History at the University of Sheffield.
April 14, 2023