Current Exhibit
The exhibition Mounds, Moon and Stars: The Legacy of Ohio’s Magnificent Earthworks focuses on the Newark Earthworks as representative of the flourishing Hopewell era culture and draws the curtain back on the sophisticated lives of the local people while at the same time looking at the scientific and artistic complexities of the sites. On Display August-December 2024 | Free and Open to the Public | 2125 Exhibit Hall, Louella Hodges Reese Hall
September 11, 2024
The Ohio State University classes highlighted below represent classes which exemplify or contain potential for research within the mission of the Newark Earthworks Center. This includes classes taught by our Faculty Oversight Committee members and our Director.
July 1, 2024
In this episode of Now at Ohio State podcast, we talk with experts and activists dedicated to the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks World Heritage Site, and we explore the history and meaning of this marvel.
June 26, 2024
Current Exhibit
Experience visual and performing art by Sugpiaq artist, writer, and Wexner Center Artist Residency Award recipient Tanya Lukin Linklater in her first US survey exhibition.
June 1, 2024
The Octagon State Memorial is one of the most spectacular surviving remnants of the Newark Earthworks and is part of the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks.
April 1, 2024
Dr. John Low. Ethnohistory (2023) 70 (4): 421-445. "Chief Topinabee was a complicated leader of his village, he may have fought at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, certainly was a signatory to the Treaty of Greenville the next year, appears to have become an ally of Tecumseh and his intertribal confederacy at Prophetstown, may have been a participant in the Battle of Fort Dearborn in 1812, and served as a leader of strategic resistance to settler domination."
March 13, 2024
This Gathering is built upon the hard work of organizers and attendees of previous Mounds & Memory workshops and the goal of this Gathering is to reunite participants in previous workshops, including representatives of the Rainy River First Nations (Ontario), the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Nation, The Ohio State University, the University of Toronto, and Harvard University to share and celebrate these "monuments of the Ohio River Valley."
March 7, 2024
CBS News Correspondent Conor Knighton explores the grandeur of the Ohio's first UNESCO World Heritage site, the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, with Dr. Brad Lepper and Dr. John Low.
January 21, 2024
Current Exhibit
Potawatomi basket making is a reclamation and recovery of a powerful piece of native knowledge and technology and represents a potent counter-colonial and counter-hegemonic act with lasting implications. This exhibit reflects an understanding that objects are not lifeless things that occupy space. They have spirit and meaning. Centered upon intellectual and material property, basket weaving is an opportunity for Native women and men to make their own histories by using the past to "read the present.
January 4, 2024